Get Adsense Payment via Western Union

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is no doubt the world's best ad network but until now the most annoying thing about it was that it did not allow fast payment methods like Western Union Money Transfer or Bank Wire Transfer rather it was restricted to the traditional check delivery system which came through regular mail and could take weeks to reach you. Plus you had to then deposit your check to your bank account and wait 1 month more to get it processed but the good news is that Adsense has introduced a new fast method of getting your payments.

Adsense Money via Western Union Quick Cash

Google Adsense has now introduced a new payment form i.e. Western Union Quick Cash. Western Union Quick Cash is a payment method that allows you to receive your Adsense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union Money Transfer service. Payments will be available for pick up at your local Western Union Agent the day after they are sent according to the normal payment schedule of Google Adsense.

But what exactly does this mean? and how much of a good news is it? It means that now:

  • No more wait for check through standard delivery
  • No more extra Bank fees
  • No more long term clearing times as associated with deposit checks
  • Fast money making and Fast delivery

However this feature is currently not available to all publishers (it depends on your location). Even after living in a country like Pakistan I was amazed and pleased to see that this payment option is available here :)

To change your payment form you need to login to your Google Adsense account and go to Payment Details. if you are eligible for Western Union Quick Cash then you will see an option there which looks like this


Before you go and pick up your payment via Western Union be sure to check out the Guidelines To Pickup Your WU Payment by Google Adsense Support.

I think its a good news for all publishers :D Please don't forget to share the joy