How to set up Google Adsense for parked Domains

Adsense for domain is a part of adsense program, where you can put adsense in your parked domain names.

This is like making money out of something which is not using. To make the maximum out of adsense for domain , best advice is buy an expired domain which is suppose to generate some traffic for you without any effort.

Step by step guide to Set up adsense for Domain :

1. Login to your adsense account> Click on adsense set up > Adsense for Domain


2. Click on Add new domain


3. Now add parked domain or domains in the format shown in the image and select the language for the parked domains and click on add domains.


4. Now you need to make changes in your domain registrar. You can refer to official guide for selected registrar from Google.

In this example I’m taking Godaddy as an example for registrar

5. Login to your Godaddy account and in the domain tab select the domain. here we have to do two Set up

Creating CNAME and Creating A record

a> Creating a CNAME record

Login to Godaddy account > On left hand side> Domain > Domain manager


In the next screen> Click on the name of the domain you want to associate with Adsense for domain


Now click on Total DNS control and MX record link


Now you have to add new CNAME record, if already any CNAME entry is there, then edit it with the following entry

In the CNAME

Check for entry WWW if it is already there, then edit it else create a new entry


This is what you have to add in new entry for CNAME


Alias name : www

Point to :

Replace xxxxxx with your adsense pub id


Now we are done setting up our CNAME record, next thing is we need to set up A record

b> Creating a A record entry

Now for A record Entry we need to point our Existing @ record to

and add more A record with

Host name @

Points to :,, and

This will look like this


The DNS propagation might take time up to 48 hours. Above all Google adsense will review your application for domain parking and once it will approve the parked domain. It will start showing the adsense advertisement.

So instead of keeping your domain blank, its better serve advertisement and make some money out of it.